There's always something that someone hates. But the one thing that I really hate is when someone is sitting right next to you and there yelling so loud for no apparent reason. I feel that is very rude and disrespectful also very annoying and it make me get a headache it make you sound and look uneducated. We all know you were thought how to use your inside voices as a child or teenager it honestly make me so mad that i want to scream but knowing how I feel about it makes me not do it. I really don't understand why people yell ...UUUGGGHHH I can't stand it most of all why do they scream and yell when they are angry instead of trying to express it calmly.
As a yeller myself...sometime you just can't help it! When someone is really getting on my nerves, I just have to yell!! I can't help it so I am sorry if I annoy you :)