Tuesday, December 15, 2009


#1. All I want for Christmas is a new video camera because I love to make videos with my friends or family.

#2. The best thing that happened to me in 2009 was my mom allowed me to get my eyebrow n mose pierced.

#3. On this day 12/15/2009 was the day that the Tower of Pisa reopens on December 12.2001

#4. If I could live any where in the world it would be Miami because I think it's a beautiful place to have fun and just raise your family.

#5. If I could have lunch with any one I would have lunch with my lilttle sister that passed because she died young in I would love to see how she would be.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Self reflection

I would want someone to know that I love being with my bestfriends because their always there for me no matter what when im sad, hurt, mad or happy they seem to always be there to cheer me up and that's the most important thing about friendship. I would want someone to know all about my mom Kayvon, Quamonique, Rushell, Nijah and Liphahlee because I would never want anyone to hurt them because they all are importantn to me.

Monday, November 30, 2009


My little vaction was so much fun I spent my whole week with Quamonique, we haven't had that much fun in so long because bout time we get out of school were tired in just want to go home. On thanksgiving we ate lots of food at Quam house then we went to my aunt house in that turned into a party we laughed, danced and ate so much. The most important thing is I got to see my brother who was in the half way house and I haven't got to see him in months we had a great time for the little time we had to spend together.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What would I do!!1

#1. The first thing i thought about when I woke up was how much i don't like school and who was going to speak at the seminar.

#2. I would go to Yale University because I heard it was a good school and it seems that a lot of lawyer graduated from there and that's what i want to be.

#3. On November 17Th Arnold Schwarzenegger is sworn in as Governor of California

#4. Someone that I would schedule to speak on a seminar day is Barack Obama. I would schedule him because he a true motivator and he can teach us a lot.

#5. If the whole world freezes and I had 30 seconds I would rob a bank.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Sometimes I wonder why do they make places like abortion clinics, why give people that chance to keep killing innocent babies . Yes I understand that everyone can't take care of a baby but everyone knows having sex can lead to alot of things and one of those things being babies, I myself know people who are sexually active who know that they don't use protection just because they know if they get pregnant they can get rid of the baby. Babies are a beautiful things and there are some people who can't have them so if you are one of those people who can why not love and cherish that child of yours, I don't really agree with adoptions but I strongly rather people do that then to kill a child who was but in this world. Abortions are a sin and everyone not perfect but remember before you do anything your not suppose to be careful and remember that babies did not ask to be born and they all deserve a choice to be born.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


I have a best friend name Liphahlee who I love with all my heart even though she gets in my nerve sometimes she's always there for me and I can trust her with anything I say and I can't trust everyone. Liphahlee is so funny no matter if I'm upset or sad she always know how to make me laugh, who would've ever thought we would become so close we knew each other since Elementary don't get me wrong we have always been friends but not like we are now. Liphahlee have been through alot and i know it's also hard for her to trust people so for her to trust me makes me happy and can't no body break up are friendship... I LOVE YOU LIPHAHLEE!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My Feelings

Yes I do think that im good at the news blog but I don't like it because I think they are boring and they really don't intrest me because it seems that in most of my classes we are writing about the same thing. I do think they are some what difficult for example sometimes the Obama articles are interesting but they are confusing because they put to much in one article .